Episode 14: "This is when the zombies come" ft. Nick Delewski

This week, Zac chats with Nick Delewski. Nick is a Principle Security Consultant at MedSec (https://www.medsec.com/) specializing in medical device testing. Zac and Nick talk about the current state of medical device testing and cybersecurity regulation, Nick's favorite tools including a microwave oven (see below), and get a story from Nick about the most physical danger he has ever been in on a penetration test!

Blade RF - https://www.nuand.com/bladerf-1/
Dragon OS - https://cemaxecuter.com/
Microwave Oven - https://amzn.to/4dW3EW2 LOL


Episode 15: "The story of Invoke-Shellcode" ft. Matt Graeber


Episode 13: "Laughing Hysterically to Fearing for Our Lives" ft. Matt Shirley