Len Noe, the cyborg hacker...
Santa Claus a.k.a. Mike Piekarski...
Faisal Tameesh discusses CrowdStrike...
Jullian Gerhart, password harvester...
NextGen RFID hacking with Brett DeWall...
Hoang Bui upsets Cylance...
Shelby Spencer steals half a million dollars...
Matt Graeber invents Invoke-Shellcode...
Nick Delewski and his microwave...
Matt Shirley, hacker to advisor...
John Baek, the OG mentor...
Zac is in the hotseat...
Eric Buck confusing security guards...
Michael Sviben on knowing your tools...
Andrew Allen hacking the planet...
Jude Keenan scheduling tasks for the win...
Dave Catling calls the help desk, then the user, then the help desk...
Vitaliy Kovalchuk, the password cracker...
Robbing ATMs with Matthew Freilich...
Sarah Hume the Purple Queen...
Stephen Bondurich fits in the ceiling...
Matt and Vitaliy get arrested...